Pewien kraj: The Legend of Love in Krabi


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Legend of Love in Krabi

เนื้อเพลง ยายสา 

(The Legend of Love in Krabi) 


yuen ro khwam wang kap thong thale thi wang plao

tangtae kham yan chao ko mai hen na thoe

yang yu trong ni yang ro khoi thoe yu samoe

ayak bok kap thoe wa chan rak thoe sut huachai

daiyin haimai daiyin mai

tamnan rak yai sa ro khoi sami klap

kon tawan la lap sanya cha klap ma ha kan

tae mai pen yang nan sami thoe hai pai

laen ruea ok pai thale klai sut saita

khao mai klap ma tam sanya tae chan ko yang ro

yuen ro khwam wang kap thong thale thi wang plao

tangtae kham yan chao ko mai hen na thoe

yang yu trong ni yang ro khoi thoe yu samoe

ayak bok kap thoe wa chan rak thoe sut huachai

daiyin haimai siang huachai khong khon ro

Wating for hope with an empty sea

From dark until dawn don’t see her face

And still here still wating for you

I want to tell you that

I love you with all my heart

Do you hear do you hear

muea khoei rak kan laeo man mi khwam phukphan

maen tai chak kan chan phrom hai sanya

khamman khong yai sa thoe phu ro sami

Legend of love in Krabi yai sa ro phua

yu ko mai klua tai ko mai klua


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